To Neuter Or Not To Neuter That Is The Question?

If you have a dog that is going through puberty, you may have noticed some behavioural changes in your little buddy. Perhaps you've noticed that your pup has started becoming a little more confident, acting like they have forgotten all the training you spent hours on? This new behaviour may lead you to ask yourself if neutering or spaying your pet is the right decision? 
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Do Dogs Remember Their Siblings?

We love our little pooches a little more each day, and they likely feel the same way. So, when a puppy gets adopted into their new forever home, they usually have no problem adjusting to a new way of life, and this may cause you to wonder if your dog misses their mommy and siblings? As time goes on, you might even start to wonder if they remember their littermates at all. And, if they did, would they be able to recognise them in the park?
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Do Pets Dream?

We have all noticed our dogs and cats making noises and moving in their sleep. Have you ever wondered if your pets dreams? The answer is yes! Researchers say dogs experience different stages of sleep, much like humans. Learn more about REM and what goes on in your sleeping pets head. 



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Raisin, grape & currant poisoning in dogs | Harmful foods for dogs

It often comes as a surprise to pet owners that raisins, grapes, sultanas and currants are a big no-no for dogs. It’s hard to believe that somethin...
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Dealing with common behavioural issues in dogs

  It's fairly normal for dogs to display undesirable behaviour from time to time. Behavioural issues, especially in puppies, aren't particularly un...
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How to apply Frontline flea & tick protection to your dog | Zuki pet

Knowing that you need to regularly de-flea your pets and actually doing it are often two different things - especially if your dog is tricky to tr...
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How to have a harmonious cat and dog household | Pet advice

We all know the phrase ‘to fight like cats and dogs’, but we’ve also seen countless adorable YouTube videos of cats and dogs cuddling like besties....
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How to give a pill to a dog | Easy way to give a dog a pill

  Pets, like humans, need pills from time to time - it’s simply a fact of being alive. That means as a fur parent, there’s going to come a time ...
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How to brush a dog’s teeth | Do I need to brush my dog’s teeth?

  “Do I really need to brush my dog’s teeth?” If you’ve never asked this question, let alone thought it, don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a vet,...
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Is puppy training necessary? | All about puppy classes

  Is puppy training necessary? You’ve just brought home your little ball of fluff and your puppy is full of beans – and barks, bites, and other pre...
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6 Tips for managing a multi-dog household

Two (or three...) is often better than one, especially when it comes to dogs. Having two dogs means that they entertain each other, are likely to ...
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8 Things to know about owning a mini-breed dog

  There's no denying that puppies are adorable, which explains why mini and 'teacup' breeds of dogs are so pup-ular! Imagine owning a dog that stay...
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What is my dog trying to tell me?

Do you ever wish your dog could talk, just so you’d know what she’s thinking? Well, we haven’t yet figured out how to bridge the language gap betwe...
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Best (and safest) toys for your dog - and the one toy you must avoid

Chew toys are essential for helping to keep your dog happy, active, stimulated and healthy. But with such a vast array to choose from, how do you k...
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Best places to take your dog with you on holiday in SA

A family holiday isn’t complete without all members of your family being there - furries included! We’ve packed the balls and water bowls, rolled u...
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7 things to do to prevent your dog getting lost (or stolen)

There’s nothing worse in the world than the sinking, sickening feeling of having lost your dog. One minute your beloved furbaby is there, part of t...
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Cancer in pets: recognising the signs & getting treatment

You notice a strange new lump or bump on your pet and a dreaded thought enters your mind: could it be something serious? In fact at this point, a f...
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Has my dog been poisoned? Signs & symptoms of poisoning in dogs

It’s a terrifying thought: “Has my dog been poisoned?”, but the reality is that in South Africa, malicious poisoning is something that can and does...
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4 Things you need to know about tick control for dogs

Ticks in South Africa Ticks are small ectoparasites that live on the blood of mammals and birds, sometimes even on reptiles and amphibians. There a...
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