Assessing Your Dog's Health Through Their Gums: Prevention And Treatment

A wet nose means a healthy dog, right? Well, not quite! Despite what many pet owners believe, a dog's nose should not be seen as a benchmark of their overall health. 
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To Neuter Or Not To Neuter That Is The Question?

If you have a dog that is going through puberty, you may have noticed some behavioural changes in your little buddy. Perhaps you've noticed that your pup has started becoming a little more confident, acting like they have forgotten all the training you spent hours on? This new behaviour may lead you to ask yourself if neutering or spaying your pet is the right decision? 
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How To Keep Your Pets Safe In Winter

In winter, we make sure to stay safe and warm to avoid getting sick, and we should also take the same precautions for our four-legged friends. Many people assume that because pets have fur, they're safe from harsh, cold weather. But many pets, such as dogs, in particular, can experience severe problems, such as hypothermia and frostbite if left outside for long periods. 
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Raisin, grape & currant poisoning in dogs | Harmful foods for dogs

It often comes as a surprise to pet owners that raisins, grapes, sultanas and currants are a big no-no for dogs. It’s hard to believe that somethin...
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Dealing with common behavioural issues in dogs

  It's fairly normal for dogs to display undesirable behaviour from time to time. Behavioural issues, especially in puppies, aren't particularly un...
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How to apply Frontline flea & tick protection to your dog | Zuki pet

Knowing that you need to regularly de-flea your pets and actually doing it are often two different things - especially if your dog is tricky to tr...
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How to brush a dog’s teeth | Do I need to brush my dog’s teeth?

  “Do I really need to brush my dog’s teeth?” If you’ve never asked this question, let alone thought it, don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a vet,...
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Kidney failure in pets: what you need to know

Kidney failure, also known as kidney disease, is unfortunately very common in cats and dogs, and is most often seen in old cats, but is also common...
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Dog bite wounds: why they’re worse than you think

If you are a dog owner, you’ll probably experience a dreaded dog fight at some point or another - the bared teeth, the horrible noises, and worst o...
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6 Tips for managing a multi-dog household

Two (or three...) is often better than one, especially when it comes to dogs. Having two dogs means that they entertain each other, are likely to ...
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10 ways to be a better dog owner

There’s more to being great pet owner than simply feeding your pooch and giving her a place to sleep. Here are 10 things you can do to start being ...
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