6 Simple tips to reduce your dog's farting
- by DR Roxanne Jones

Some dogs seem to have special powers; the incredible ability to clear a room of people with the potent smell of their farts. All dogs pass gas from time to time, just as humans do, though some dogs’ farts are smellier and more often than others.
Whether you are relaxing in the living room with your favourite television series, on the computer surfing the internet or you have the in-laws over for dinner, there is never a good time to be gassed out of the house by your dog. If your precious pooch has this unfortunate talent, here are some helpful tips to reduce the bad smells, rekindle your love for your fur friend and invite the in-laws over again (maybe).
Change Their Diet
What you feed your dog may be influencing their gassiness. Some dogs have an intolerance to one or more of the components in inferior quality foods, which cause them to be gassier. These foods also have poor digestibility, so the foods sit in the colon and bacteria ferment them which produces gas. Feeding table scraps and foods with lots of carbohydrates, soy, corn, beans or legumes can worsen the gassiness.
Feeding your dog premium dog foods that have good quality, highly digestible ingredients with low fat content can reduce their farting. Choose a food that lists protein as the first ingredient as this indicates high protein content. Only feed them pellets and avoid table scraps.
Change their diet gradually as a sudden change may increase their gassiness for a brief period. This can be done by slowly reducing the amount of inferior quality foods and increasing the amount of premium dog foods over a couple of weeks until the only thing you are feeding them is the premium foods.
Change the Quantity of Food Given
The amount of food that you feed your fur friend is important and should be adjusted according to dog size, breed and activity. Over-feeding your dog may cause undigested food to accumulate in their colon, which would increase fermentation causing putrid farts. By feeding your dog the right amount of food according to their ideal body weight, their gassiness may be greatly reduced.

Reduce Swallowing Air
Some dogs eat too quickly and in the process they swallow air. Somehow, the air has to escape, either by coming up as a burp or moving through the intestinal tract and escaping as a fart. Reducing the amount of air that your dog swallows will reduce the amount of gas that needs to be unleashed. There are special types of bowls that can be bought from a vet or pet store that can slow your dog’s feeding rate down, reducing the amount of air swallowed. Another option is to place a small bowl upside down in a large bowl and pour the pellets around the small bowl. This makes it harder for your pooch to get to the food and will naturally slow their eating rate.

Add Pro-biotics
If your dog is already on a high quality diet but is still extra gassy, pro-biotics can be added to their diet. Pro-biotics help to balance intestinal flora and may help to reduce the farting.
Increase their Exercise
Inactivity can lead to obesity and can make your fur friend’s gassiness worse. Regular exercise can bring about weight loss which can reduce the excessive farting. Exercise also encourages intestinal motility which helps to release the gas pockets outdoors, rather than in your home. Taking your dog for walks regularly is a great form of exercise, not just for them but for you too.
Add Copronat
If your pooch’s special powers are too strong and they are still gassing you out of the house, there is a way to help mask the stench. Copronat is a food additive that can change the smell of the gas that dogs produce, making your dog more pleasant to be around.
When to Worry
If your dog’s flatulence has suddenly changed or become worse it may be of concern. Changes in behaviour or lack of appetite as well as vomiting or diarrhoea could indicate a more severe health problem and requires veterinary attention. If your dog suffers from frequent digestive problems it is best to consult a vet.
We hope that these 6 tips will help you combat your beloved dog’s special powers and they makes those evenings of sharing the same room more bearable.